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Thursday, January 13, 2011

If I Had $100

Hello! Here is another blog by me about Ethical Gifts. Ethical Gifts are something you give to people like in Hetti that will help the with there lack water,food, and supplies. Our class got a fake $100 to spend on any gift we want from the 4 sites: World Vision, Oxfam, Plan Canada and the Salvation Army. So i chose 3 gifts from Plan Canada because they had the most Gifts that are worth it's money. the First gift was 3 Baby chicks for $15. i chose it because they could grow up and breed chickens and eat them while having eggs. the next thing i chose was also $15 (total $50). I chose classroom essentials for 1 child. i chose those because it is going to be allot of help for 1 child in a school. The Last gift i chose was Emergency water purification tablets. witch is $50 Spending the last of my $100. i chose those because if a disaster messes up there water they can clean some water back and ready to drink. those were all the ethical gifts that i chose with $100. thanks for reading.

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